Who is the Daniel School For?

The short answer is EVERYONE!

The Daniel School is for anyone who is hungry to go deeper in the Word and Spirit. We believe that the Lord is raising up many to be trained and equipped and not just fed and passive. The Daniel School is for those who want to really dedicate time and energy to get a stronger grasp of the Biblical Narrative as well as to discover the life in the Spirit,

What are the Dates for the Daniel School?

All of the dates for The Daniel School can be found (Click Here).

We meet on Sundays from 4:00 - 6:00 PM.

Where will the school be held?

How much does The Daniel School Cost?

The current Daniel School in-person sessions are being given without up front cost. We allow the participant to give as they are led by the Lord to give.

Will you have further trainings down the road?


How can the Daniel School serve my Church?

Most churches have a desire for training and development within their own systems, however the reality is that many times we don’t know where to go or have the ability to access them. The heart behind Daniel School is really to be a third-party training supplement, deeply integrated through relationships with the local leaders of the church, to help raise and train potential leaders together. It’s our hope to be able to serve churches, organizations, and various groups to help re-ignite a passion for Jesus and to give them a sustainable model for leadership development and discipleship.

What should I bring to the Daniel School?

Participants should bring:

  • A Bible (physical)

  • Pen & Notebook (note taking is recommended)

  • A water bottle