David School of Worship

Understanding the Divine narrative of God’s royal priesthood from Genesis to Revelation.


The garden of eden

As we start from the beginning, understanding the reality of the Garden of Eden is essential in understanding God’s original design both for mankind and for creation. In this session we dive deep into the understanding of the Garden as the first “temple” or dwelling place between God and mankind. When we understand the realities of the Garden, we begin to see this tapestry woven throughout the entire Biblical narrative.


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the tent of moses

The Tabernacle or better known as the Tent of Moses, was actually the first “portable temple” that was given to Israel as they exited Egypt and wandered into the Promised land. Understanding why God gave such specific instruction for the Tabernacle is crucial in our understanding of what true worship is. The elements in the tabernacle are also not arbitrary but rather point to a greater reality that we will realize later in Christ and in His church.


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the tabernacle of david

The tabernacle of David was in essence a “dwelling place” that was built for the Ark of the Covenant. As many can miss the significance of this reality, this session dives deep into profound truths found in the Tabernacle of David. In light of the previous strata of the Biblical narrative, we see that David’s tabernacle pointed to a greater heavenly reality and again something that would later be realized in fullness both in Christ and the Church.


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the Second Temple (Post Exilic Period)

After Judah fell to the Babylonians in 586 BC, God’s people went into a time of exile. Seventy years after being in captivity, God brings the exiles back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple and the city. Understanding the narrative of the exilic period has deep, profound, and relevant application to God’s people today. In this session we examine the return of the exiles, their mission, their challenges, and how they finished the task.


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jesus the messiah

Jesus came as the living temple of God. He referred to himself as a temple several times. Jesus came and dwelt amongst his people. He in fact was the living temple of God that came as the manifestation of God and as the intersection point between heaven and earth. When we begin to understand that Jesus is the temple in human form, we actually start to see the reality of God’s plan of redemption for all mankind, but also the astounding truths of what it means to be born again.


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the church: eklessia

The church is referred to as temple of living stones. This language can be found all through the New Testament. But why? In the same way that God dwelt among His people in the tabernacle and the temple, God now dwells IN His people through the person and work of Jesus Christ and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. This session will shed much light on this glorious truth of the identity of the Church and how we are called to steward the Lord’s presence in our lives.


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the new heaven and earth

The end of the story is clear, God is going to create a new Heaven and a new Earth as one seamless reality. This was His intention from the very beginning. As we understand the realities of both the Millennial Kingdom and the Eternal state of Heaven/Earth, we begin to see what this is all about and where this is all going. The Bible gives very clear descriptions of this coming reality and it is our honor and joy to be able to search the scriptures together and allow the Lord to touch our hearts.


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